Mode of Payment

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KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL Sarona is a progressive and upgrowing institution. In order to realise the highest ideal of EDUCATION ,to nurture the sterling qualities of a well rounded personality and to inculcate healthy competition with maintenance of individual identities under perfect care without constraining inherent qualities, we at KPS Sarona, need your co-operation with all your resources (Physical, Social and Economical) in this to help us in achieving our goal.

  • All fees are payable in advance either by cash or by cheque on monthly basis from 5th to 12th of every month between 08.00 a.m. & 01.30 p.m..
  • If fees for a month in respect of any student is not paid in full by 12th of that month, a fine of .50/- will be charged.
  • Transaction fee charges would not be refunded/reversed under any circumstances for any refund/reversal /chargeback and any other reasons.
  • Transaction fees charged would be borne by cardholder for any payment.
  • Fees once paid are non refundable under any circumstances.
  • After the end of the month for which the fee is not paid, the student's name will be struck off the roll and the student may be re-admitted only at the discretion of the Principal on payment of all arrears and a Readmission fee of 1000/- along with current tuition fee.
  • Fees can be deposited in advance for any number of months or for the full session if it is desired.
  • Fee can/will be paid by A/c Payee Cheque drawn in favour of Krishna Public School, Sarona.
  • The date of presentation of the cheque will be treated as date of payment provided the cheque is not dishonoured.
  • Any cheque returned by the bank will be treated under the category of non-payment of fees. & fine is . 1000/- .
  • In case of doubt regarding the payment of any dues, parents/guardians are advised to make the payment first and seek refund later.
  • Fees for the last two months of the session should be paid by 12th February and all dues should be cleared by that time.
  • Parents may kindly keep the cash receipts in safe custody and produce the same to school in proof of their payment or else they may quote the money receipt Number.
  • No fee concession will be given towards annual charges.
  • Half fee concession in tuition fee will be given to the youngest child only.
  • Parents are requested to give correct particulars such as Admn. No., Name, Class & Section of the student while depositing the fee.
  • Parents are requested to satisfy themselves about the correctness of the payment entries made in their fees card as well as balance payments, if any, before leaving the counter. Any complaint made after leaving the counter will not be entertained.
  • The Bus Fee will be realised for the whole academic year in three installments.
  • Even if the students are admitted later during the term, fees for the whole academic year will be realised.
  • Annual Charges should be paid before 31st May, otherwise 1000/- will be charged against this delay.
  • Parents must ensure the payment of all the dues of a term before the end of term exam commences. The admit card for the exam will be issued only if there are no dues against the students.